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Microsoft® Excel PivotTables will demonstrate to the Excel user how to create and use list and table data to create analytical Pivot Tables. This will include an exploration of both one and two-dimensional Pivot Tables, feature data filtering and slicers, as well as creating Pivot Charts. The user will also be exposed to using external data for Pivot analysis.
Objective: Upon completion of this course the advanced Excel user will be able to create and modify Pivot Tables and Charts where advanced filtering techniques are featured.
- Creating Pivot Tables
- One-dimensional
- Two-dimensional
- Refreshing data
- Filtering Pivot Table data
- Filtering Pivot data fields
- The Filter Section
- Using Slicers
- Grouping Data Fields
- Creating date ranges
- Creating numeric pocket ranges
- Pivot Charts
- Stacked Column Charts
- Pie Charts
- Data filtration
- Using External Data
- Importing data from a database file
- Creating a Pivot Table from an external source
IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT PARTICIPATION: As part of our sponsorship with NASBA, we have agreed to provide at least three (3) instances of engagement per CPE hour (50 minutes). These may come in the form of open-ended questions, hand-raising, polling, and other techniques. You MUST answer or respond to all three opportunities to engage in order to receive credit for that CPE hour. Knowledge Source Inc. retains these responses after all CPE classes for audit purposes.
Knowledge Source Inc. is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website: