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A leader’s emotions are contagious in an organization; as a result, he/she has the ability to persuade, motivate, and inspire others to create a positive, energized and collaborative working environment. An emotionally intelligent leader is in tune with him or herself and the people they work with, creating a high level of significance in the workplace that leads to increased productivity and job satisfaction.
This highly engaged workshop is comprised of experimental learning, proven techniques, and application exercises that take leadership development beyond the bounds of theory and into “real time” interaction and training. Participants are introduced to new concepts and tools, and then spend a majority of their time experientially applying the learning, practicing the new skills, and trying new behaviors, all with the support and coaching of a highly experienced facilitator.
Workshop Objectives:
- To gain an awareness of Emotional Intelligence and its four domains.
- To understand the benefits of being an emotionally intelligent leader and the obstacles one faces in doing so.
- To understand leadership styles and behaviors and how emotional intelligence enhances, or deters from, our ability to demonstrate them.
- To increase emotional self-awareness and uncover the triggers that affect our ability to lead and motivate others.
- To determine personal core values and create a personal mission statement that reflects authentic leadership.
- To develop strategies to control emotions, manage pressure, and model the behaviors we want to elicit from others.
- To demonstrate the ability to empathize with, engage, and build a rapport with others.
- To develop an emotional intelligent communication toolbox.
- To appreciate the benefit and necessity of giving and receiving feedback.
- To understand how to establish trust and to encourage collaborative, rather than competitive, environments.
- To discover the power of accountability by increasing buy-in for organizational initiatives.
- To learn practical skills to productively engage in and lead others to resolve conflicts.
- To understand human needs and how to satisfy them as an emotionally intelligent leader.
Workshop Outcomes:
- Completion of a personal Emotional Intelligent assessment and creation of a plan for development and improvement.
- Increased self-awareness to strengthen leadership skills.
- Determination of personal core values and the creation of a well-defined mission statement.
- An understanding of how and why emotions are triggered, and an awareness of personal triggers that affect and impact others.
- The ability to manage emotions through self-control and staying focused and calm under pressure.
- Heightened social awareness that will lead to engagement, empathy and building rapport.
- An awareness of what drives human behavior.
- Communication skills to influence others, instill trust, foster respect, and manage conflict.
- The skills to connect and engage with employees to establish, develop and maintain supportive relationships and behaviors.
- The ability to motivate and empower others to exceed expectations and achieve results.
Please Note! Workshop attendees should purchase and complete the assessment in Emotional Intelligence 2.0 prior to class. Cost is approximately $15 and can be purchased on the following link:
Emotional Intelligence Assessment
Workshop Audience and Format:
Leadership teams that are committed to cultivating an emotionally intelligent organizational culture
The course is offered as:
- A one-day comprehensive session.
- A two-day session that includes more in-depth and enhanced educational and skills training opportunity.
Workshop/Coaching Package:
Either of the above can also be combined with one-on-one coaching sessions for each participant following the workshop. The coaching relationship is focused on utilizing their personal EQ assessment results, along with their newly obtained knowledge and skills, to create a plan for improvement and success.
Emotional Intelligence Coaching complements the experience offered in the educational and skills-based workshop and is a powerful process for enhancing behaviors and performance both professionally and personally, through comprehensive 1:1 focused development. Key areas of focus during the coaching process:
- Gaining insight into how people perceive and respond to you.
- Improving performance from your teams or people.
- Recognizing assumptions and changing “the stories” we create that lead to those inferences.
- Maturing professional and leadership behaviors.
- Enhancing interpersonal relationships at work.
- Shifting a fixed mindset to a growth mindset.
- Finding solutions and strategies that establish trust, motivate and inspire others, and develop meaningful and lasting relationships.
- Achieving authentic self and leadership by aligning personal core values and mission statement with actions and behaviors.
- Creating a better work life balance.
Cancellation Policy: 5 working days for full refund. Cancellations after that time are charged full tuition for the course.
For more information regarding refund, concerns, and/or program cancellation policies please contact our offices at 919-878-7100 ext. 22