Have a Nice Conflict

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Conflict is:

  • Inevitable
  • Predictable
  • Helps us to be more creative
  • To make better decisions
  • Desirable

Conflict is a natural part of our day-to-day life and if understood and managed properly can help us be more productive and build stronger relationships. If misunderstood and mismanaged conflict can be destructive and damage our personal and professional relationships.

“Have a Nice Conflict”

is a workshop to help better understand motivation and behavior, perceptions, assumptions, filters and other factors that can lead to either productive or destructive conflict. The Strength Deployment Inventory, published by Personal Strengths Publishing, is used to explore and understand:

  • Relationship Awareness Theory
  • Motivational Value Systems
  • Portrait of personal strengths
  • Self-worth model
  • Conflict model

After the administration of the instrument we will first look at each individuals Motivation Value System (what a person values when things are going well and how motivation drives their behavior). Next we will look at how motivation changes when we are faced with opposition or conflict. The Conflict Model addresses perception, conflict triggers, and choices. We will also look at how personal strengths when overdone can become ones weakness and how our personal filters influence our perception of a situation as well as the behaviors of others.

The expected outcome of the workshop is:

  • Self –awareness of strengths, weaknesses, and personal filters
  • Better understanding of the values and motives of others that drive behavior
  • An understanding of our conflict triggers and our perceptions of a situation which influence the choices we make
  • More effective way to manage conflict for a productive end result

Strength Deployment Inventory: Understanding Personal Strenths in Relating to Others by Elias H. Porter, Ph.D. (Personal Strengths Publishing)

Cancellation Policy: 5 working days for full refund. Cancellations after that time are charged full tuition for the course.

For more information regarding refund, concerns, and/or program cancellation policies please contact our offices at 919-878-7100 ext. 22

Course Information
  • Course Level:Basic
  • Prerequisite:None
  • Credit:PDU/PDH/PDC: 7.5
  • Fee:$345
  • Length:1 day
  • Hours:8:30 a.m. - 4:15 p.m.
  • Delivery:Instructor Led/Group Live

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